Water Resource Projects

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Audubon Water Company, Audubon, Pennsylvania

Expansion study to determine booster pump and storage tank sizes required to service an additional 450 customers, including distribution mains, storage tanks, booster pump stations and pressure reducing valves. Recommended system improvements were identified and evaluated using the KYPIPE model.

Hatboro Borough Authority, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Prepared demolition and closure plans for abandonment of four (4) public water supply wells in accordance with AWWA standard A100. The Hatboro Borough Authority had sold the water distribution system to Philadelphia Suburban Water Company, and the wells were no longer in service. Two of the wells had TCE contamination.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Resources

Participated in the development of a Comprehensive Drinking Water Facilities Plan for the Division of Water Supplies, Bureau of Community Environmental Control, to evaluate Pennsylvania's community water system infrastructure adequacy and ability to comply with proposed regulations.

Borough of Ambler Water Department, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Assisted with preparation of emergency action plan for earthfill dam in residential area. The impoundment provided water supply for approximately half of the service area via adjacent groundwater wells.

Coventry Terrace Mobile Home Park, Coventry Township, Pennsylvania

Prepared permit applications and design documents for upgrades to existing groundwater system serving a 127 home community. System improvements included chlorination equipment, hydropneumatic tanks, chemical addition equipment, and an emergency generator. Connecting the air system for the hydropneumatic tanks and two of the four existing wells to the emergency generator facilitated PADEP approving a 6 hour storage volume instead of the standard 24 hour storage volume.

Camp Green Lane, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Provided consultation for eliminating extensive leakage through existing dam which was causing considerable lowering of normal pool elevation during summer months. The existing dam was actually a combination of several dams built over the past 100+ years.

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