Wastewater Treatment Projects
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CAN DO - Humboldt Industrial Park WWTP, Hazleton, PA
WWTP Modifications Project (2005 - present)
Permitting and design for the project have been completed. Engineering support and construction
inspection is currently being provided for the Owner. The project included obtaining PA State
funding from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) for the plant upgrades
which include nutrient removal capabilities. Average daily flow for design processes was 1 MGD
with a peak hydraulic capacity of 2 MGD. (click for photos)
The project construction cost is $5.2 million and
consists of the following:
- Influent pump station and head-works including, mechanical screening, grit settling and 1
million gallon equalization tank with course bubble aeration
- Anoxic tanks with zoned mixing
- Modifications of existing treatment tanks to accommodate the installation of fine bubble
aeration with DO control and clarifiers
- Effluent sand filters and chemical feed building.
Wissahickon Watershed Partnership
Represented Ambler Wastewater Treatment Plant in Watershed Partnership that discussed TMDL’s and sources
of pollutants and pollution. Stakeholders in the Partnership included Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection, EPA, environmental groups, water companies and other municipal wastewater
treatment plants. Participated in the Steering Committee and co-authored reports evaluating data
interpretations by independent organizations contracted by EPA.
Upper Moreland-Hatboro Joint Sewer Authority, PA
Performed project management and professional engineering services for preliminary design, final design,
permitting and construction of the Mason's Mill Collection System. Major elements of the project included
20,000 l.f. of gravity sewer, four trenchless crossings under PA Turnpike and Conrail, 4200 l.f. of force
main and an 1150 gpm (1 MGD ave.) pump station. Permitting included PADEP Part II and Water Obstruction and
Encroachment Permits, General Permits for nine (9) stream crossings, and a Township Special Exception for
pump station construction in flood plain. Utility agreements were executed with PA Turnpike, Conrail,
PennDOT and Sun Pipeline. Fourteen (14) easements were granted.
Performed project management and engineering services for the following projects:
- Preparation of Sewage Facilities Plan (Act 537 Plan);
- Design and construction of trenchless sewer repair (pipebursting and HDPE pipe) in residential area;
- Design of belt filter press;
- Hydraulic evaluation of overloaded interceptor and presentation of corrective alternatives;
- Hydraulic evaluation of surcharging sewer and identification of low-cost remedial repair;
- Development of alternatives for treating high storm weather flows within existing treatment plant
tanks through process modifications and effluent blending;
- Preparation of annual capital budget estimates; and
- Multiple sewer designs and miscellaneous engineering services (Engineer-of-Record).
- Effluent Pump Station/Ultra-violet Light
Disinfection System (2003-2007)
Borough of Ambler, PA
Performed project management and engineering services for the following
projects at 6.5 MGD facility:
- Design and construction of 15 MGD Mectan Grit Removal Facility;
- Design and construction of Trojan Technologies UV4000 Ultra-violet light disinfection system;
- Design and construction of ventilation of existing trickling filters and replacement of rock media
with PVC cross-flow media;
- Design and construction of Dissolved Air Flotation clarifier for removal of solids from
nitrification towers (site constraints precluded standard clarifiers; DAF replaced existing
- Design and construction of HDPE roof replacement (existing roof contained asbestos);
- Design and construction of floating cover repair and cleaning of two anaerobic digesters;
- Preparation of PADER Form 43 for grit and screenings from proposed pretreatment facilities;
- Review of hydraulic capacity of treatment plant unit processes;
- Calculation of treatment plant replacement cost for insurance policy;
- Preparation of quarterly and annual capital budget estimates; and,
- Miscellaneous engineering services (Engineer-of-Record).
Township of Abington, PA
Performed project management and engineering services for the following projects at 3.91 MGD facility:
- Design and construction of Trojan Technologies UV4000 Ultra-violet light disinfection system; and,
- Design and construction of clarifier modifications including density current baffles, full-radius
scum troughs and fiberglass effluent weirs configured to accommodate brushes.
Borough of Spring City, PA
- Performed project management and engineering services for the following
projects at 0.345 MGD facility:
- Design and construction for replacing rock media with HDPE cross-flow media in existing trickling
filters (first HDPE installation in United States);
- Design and construction of handrail around existing clarifiers; and,
- Miscellaneous engineering services (Engineer-of-Record).
Camp Equinunk-Blue Ridge, Equinunk, PA
Designed modifications to existing wastewater treatment plant including installation of fine-bubble
aeration in existing tankage, a new clarifier adjacent to existing aeration tank, new RAS and WAS piping,
and Trojan Technologies UV3000 Ultra-violet light disinfection.
Plumsted Township School District, New Egypt, NJ
Provided process consulting for existing 10,000 gpd extended aeration plant discharging directly to
groundwater. Prepared planning and permitting documents for submission to New Jersey Department of
Environmental Protection for additional flows from a new high school and adjacent County Library. After
performing an evaluation of historic and projected wastewater flows and plant’s capabilities, the existing
plant was allowed to accept the increased flow without modification to the plant or the discharge beds.
Designed 30,000 gpd equalization tank to accommodate additional flows at rapidly expanding schools by
distributing the flows from the 5-day school week over a 7-day period.
Pennsville, NJ
Performed independent engineering evaluation of newly constructed wastewater treatment units at existing
plant and identified areas of hydraulic overloading due to undersized orifices, pipes and pumps.
Naugatuck Treatment Company, CT
Obtained existing Naugatuck River Stream Gage Data and coordinated with the USGS to calculate a current
7Q10 for the Naugatuck River. Based on USGS data, Naugatuck Treatment Company (NTC) effluent was computed to
be approximately 24% of the total river flow at 7Q10 (assuming design flow for the plant). This was
significantly less than the 45% contribution the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CTDEP)
had proposed; CTDEP utilized a purely mathematical model designed for undeveloped watersheds which used only
subsurface geologic conditions for calculating 7Q10. Identification of the discrepancy between CTDEP
computed flows and actual recorded historic river flows facilitated appeal of proposed concentration limits
for NTC's discharge permit.
Chester County Solid Waste Authority, PA
Performed project management and engineering services for the following projects:
- Design and construction of leachate treatment plant outfall extension into the Conestoga River which
allowed for more readily attainable NPDES permit limits for the treatment plant;
- Design and construction of 6400 gal. sulfuric acid tank at existing leachate treatment plant to
replace the existing usage of smaller containers; and,
- Design and construction of flow measurement facilities and three locations within the existing
landfill leachate collection system to monitor infiltration through the landfill.
Hatboro Borough Authority, PA
Performed project management duties and on-site activities for the operation of a 60 gpm groundwater
treatment system at the Raymark Superfund Site. TCE was the primary contaminant in the soil and groundwater.
The treatment system consisted of two wells discharging to two air-stripper units in series. Treated water
was discharged to a storm sewer.
Werner Co., Greenville, PA
Design of aeration system modification, phosphorus removal and ultraviolet light disinfection systems for
50,000 gpd direct stream discharge treatment plant operated by large ladder manufacturer.
Coventry Terrace Mobile Home Park, Coventry Township, PA
Prepared permit applications and design documents for upgrades to existing groundwater system serving a
127 home community. System improvements included chlorination equipment, hydropneumatic tanks, chemical
addition equipment, and an emergency generator. Connecting the air system for the hydropneumatic tanks and
two of the four existing wells to the emergency generator facilitated PADEP approving a 6 hour storage
volume instead of the standard 24 hour storage volume.
Camp Green Lane, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
Provided operation assistance and process consulting for extended aeration plant.
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