
Bristol - Bluff City Utility District
Water Treatment Plant

The Bristol Bluff City Utility District (BBCUD) was having difficulty starting up their new 2.4-MGD WTP. Their consulting engineer introduced the BBCUD board of directors to the O&M Services Group in hopes of solving this problem. The O&M Services Group developed a proposal with several options for contract O&M of the facility. The Utility District selected the full-service contract O&M program with a 2-year renewable contract term and separate startup provision.

After 1 month of startup, the facility went on line providing water to the Utility District. After 4 months, all control and equipment problems were resolved and the startup deemed complete. Standard operating procedures (SOPs), a site Health and Safety Plan, a maintenance program and employee training were implemented. The contract has been renewed, and facility operation continues to be steady and uneventful for the past six years.

The plant processes include:
  • 3 US Filter Triton treatment units, which incorporate retained media clarification followed by multimedia filtration.
  • Chemical conditioning of raw water.
  • Chlorination of finished water.
  • Pumping of treated water to storage and distribution.
EEMA O&M Services Group provided the following value added services:
  • Modified the chemical program to improve costs and treatment efficiencies.
  • Converted unused space into an efficient maintenance area.
  • Assisted the District in developing a plan for conversion from chlorine gas to liquid hypochlorite.
  • Identified and helped develop a plan for correcting short-circuiting in one of the backwash settling ponds.

Contact: Max Gill, Manager 119 Cedar Valley Road Bristol, TN 37620 Phone: 423.764.4183

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