Project - Hampstead Industrial Center
Project: Contract O&M Hampstead Industrial Center, Hampstead,
Owner/Client: AG/GFI Hampstead, Inc.
Facility: Industrial Wastewater, Sanitary Wastewater, and Water
The Hampstead Industrial Center combines warehousing
and storage facilities with an assembly and manufacturing
plant for Black and Decker. The manufacturing
plant includes a powdered metal fabrication area.
EEMA provides operations and maintenance for the
process and sanitary wastewater from the complex as
well as drinking water permit compliance.
A portion of the air stripper effluent is recycled within
the facility for manufacturing and potable water needs.
The spent water is treated biologically and then pumped
through a separate chemical precipitation treatment
plant prior to discharge to the receiving stream.
This is a full treatment facility that has:
- Equalization system.
- Physical and chemical treatment.
- Biological treatment.
- Sludge disposal (Plate and Frame press).
EEMA has full responsibility for compliance with the
NPDES discharge limits set by the Maryland Department
of the Environment. The plant has remained in complete
compliance with all regulatory limits.
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