Project - Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility, Edinburg, VA

The Town of Edinburg was experiencing difficulties with soaring maintenance costs and poor equipment conditions as well as poor communication with its previous contractor. A decision was made to initiate a procurement process that evaluated contract operation candidates against municipal operation of the facility.

O&M Services Group was able to develop a proposal that combined technical capability, regulatory experience, site-specific knowledge, and cost control satisfactory to the town. We also established a strong communication program with the client, allowing full utilization of O&M Services Group and town employees in the resolution of long-standing problems and the prevention of new issues.

Services provided by EEMA O & M Services Group:
  • VA certified operations staff
  • Sludge dewatering and sludge disposal
  • Maintenance of treatment plant and pump station equipment
  • Normal operations supplies
  • 24-hour on-call services for emergencies

Contact: Daniel Harshman, Mayor PO Box 85 Edinburg, VA 22824 (540) 984-8521

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